is the standard for entrepreneurship education in the United States
麦克唐纳县行政长官 业务 投资者
的 澳门电玩城赌博 计划教授 创造力.领导.鼓励
Entrepreneurship education seeks to prepare people, 尤其是青年, 负责任, enterprising individuals who become entrepreneurs or entrepreneurial thinkers and contribute to economic development and sustainable communities. 的 澳门电玩城赌博 program is much more than a textbook course. 而, students are immersed in 现实生活 learning experiences with the opportunity to take risks, 管理结果, and learn from the outcomes.
的 澳门电玩城赌博 class meets five days a week for 90 minutes a day and is a year-long, 两个信用 高中课程.
A key part of the success enjoyed by the class is rooted in a 主持人 who challenges each individual student and can manage constant change in the classroom.
资金来自 业务合作伙伴, the Community Foundation and student projects.
的 student selection process is a defined process. 学生 must submit a 写请求 for admission, letters of recommendation and complete an entrepreneurial profile.
上课时间: 当地企业 and changes locations throughout the year. This helps the students establish a common identity based on their 澳门电玩城赌博 experience and a greater appreciation for our areas professional work environments.
澳门电玩城赌博 mentors help students immerse themselves in 现实生活learning experiences with the opportunity to take risks, 管理结果, and learn from the outcomes.